Saturday, August 7, 2010

Mary J. Teaches Marketers a Lesson

Back in May, I wrote about the lame launch of Hermès new fragrance, Voyages d'Hermès. Their abstract, expensive and artsy campaign for a difficult to understand product category did not yield much of an online audience. Getting customers excited about fragrance before product trial is really difficult. So how do you successfully launch a fragrance if web 2.0 marketing strategy aren't effective?

Last weekend, singer Mary J. Blige offered the beauty business a powerful marketing lesson… showing that a potent combination of celebrity, insomnia and a good story goes a long way. Blige launched her scent, "My Life," on the Home Shopping Network (HSN) at midnight on Saturday and proceeded to sell 72,000 bottles in 24 hours, a HSN record. At one point in the day, HSN's servers crashed due to sales volume. Blige's personal narrative of triumph through struggle struck a chord with home shoppers, who called in and shared their own stories before buying the fragrance. Strong narrative is a powerful tool often overlooked in launching new products.

The success of the launch seems to have caught everyone off guard – HSN, industry watchers and even Ms. Blige were overwhelmed by the response. My guess is you'll start seeing Coty running this playbook before the end of this year.

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