Sunday, March 14, 2010

The calm before the storm

Yesterday, after an unnecessarily grueling day of travel from San Francisco – with a four hour ground delay in Philadelphia – I finally arrived at Josh's apartment in Chelsea. I don't know how I would have maintained my sanity if I hadn't been seated next to Ed F., a banker who happens to share several friends with me. While parked on the tarmac, Ed rented a car to drive from Philly to New York and offered to take me with him. In travel, we often rely on the kindness of others… thank you, Ed!

Today has been spent on Josh's sofa napping, organizing my life, tracking down luggage and firing carefully worded missives off to American Airlines. Tomorrow I'm off to Hong Kong to catch up with my good friend and fellow KFBS student, Taylor Miffleton… the final adventure in our business school travels. I cannot wait to get back to Asia and explore. As befits a Southern woman, Taylor has perfected the art of sitting side-saddle on the back of a motorcycle (this pic is from Hanoi.)

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Remember to look up the Feathered Boa on Stanton in the Midlevels (FYI, there's no signage) - have fun! KB