Wednesday, April 28, 2010

On a More Positive Note...

After yesterday's post, I feel I need to highlight the positive, as well. Here are ten things about France that I didn't necessary expect…

  1. Everyone wears scarves, even if it's not that cold.
  2. Paying for a restaurant bill in France is extremely easy. Not only is the tip included on the bill, but the waiter carries a wireless card reader to ring you up at the table without ever running back and forth.
  3. The convenient availability to cheese – really good cheese.
  4. The Velib bike share system is totally charming. For a small fee, you have unlimited use of bicycles all over town. I was worried after an article in the NY Times last fall mentioned that 80% of bikes were damaged. That may be true, but the bikes are usable and rolling around Paris on two wheels is pretty fun. Oh, and there's no reason to worry about finding a place to lock up the bike because there are Velib stations everywhere.
  5. The way the French take their leisure time so seriously. There is no "work-life balance" conversation in France, life always comes before work. There is no way to get errands done on a Sunday in Paris because almost every business except restaurants close.
  6. The mustard packets you find at condiment stations are all spicy Dijon… there is no French's in France.
  7. Gas prices are listed on the highway before you exit, so you can evaluate your options.
  8. Patrons and shopkeepers greet one another and say goodbye upon entering and leaving stores. The "bon jour" and "au revoir" reminds me of the Ritz Carlton's motto: ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen.
  9. Provence, with the exception of Avignon (see previous post.)
  10. Paris, all of it.

1 comment:

Lustig Family said...

Hi JB -

We are living vicariously through your adventures.

Wish we could experience it with you! Keep up the blogging!

Alyse and Chris