Saturday, May 1, 2010

Running in Paris

Even though it's studded with parks and boats a stunning riverfront, Paris isn't known as a runners' town. That's beginning to change as more Parisians take up "le footing." I've enjoyed finding some new routes around Paris. Of course, there's the routes that run along the Seine or through Bois de Boulogne, but there are also some less-known paths. The shady banks of the Canal St. Martin make for a peaceful run through an up-and-coming artsy neighborhood just north of the Marais. Also, I've found several Parisians who don't know about the beautiful park build on top of the Viaduc des Arts, which runs for 2.5 miles from behind the Opera Bastille out to the Periphérique.

I suppose I should be more supportive of the initiative to run, but I'm just baffled by the outfits some locals choose to run in. I've seen joggers bundled up in perfectly warm weather, wearing polos or button-downs, with sweaters thrown over the shoulders and running in all forms of inappropriate running bottoms: khakis, clam diggers, jeans and Daisy Dukes. I thought, at the very least, Parisians would know how to dress for the occasion. I suppose tech-y athletic wear is one corner of fashion where America still reigns supreme.

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