Thursday, May 6, 2010


I'm not usually one to coo over kittens, puppies or babies, subjects that fall more in the territory of Cute Overload, but this trailer for "Babies" the movie is completely charming. The documentary charts the first year of four babies from Mongolia, Namibia, Tokyo and San Francisco. The film premiers Friday May 7 in the U.S.

The director, Thomas Balmès, isn't trying to make a grand statement about cultural differences. "It's not a National Geographic film," he told WWD. "The differences between these babies are very small. All four have parents that give them attention and care. This film is simply about what it means to grow up."

The excellent music in the trailer is Sufjan Stevens "The Perpetual Self or 'What Would Saul Alinsky Do?'" from the album The Avalanche.


- said...

Here's a link to today's review in the NY Times:

Katherine said...

Okay, now that is absolutely adorable, definitely can't wait to see the film!